busbur description butterfly system back
Machine butterfly systems (conveyar top 8 fit x 1.5 fit & two side 8’’x 8 fit pre- laminated Particle board
one table ms sqr pipe 30mm x30mm up & done with Powder Coated & 25 mm L poll 50 mm x 25 mm
ms pipe 2 psc 4 light set & 4 machine set one table ) one separate wire circuit per table one mcb 0ne
tub light for one switch and socket ground height 28’’ switch and socket machine switch on automatic
light on easy oprat operator all table system foldable
Machine butterfly systems (conveyar top 8 fit x 1.5 fit & two side 8’’x 8 fit pre- laminated Particle board one table ms pipe
30x30 mm with Powder Coated & 50mm x 25 mm center SS poll 50mm x 25 mm ms pipe 2 psc 4 light set & 4 machine
set one table ) one separate wire circuit per table one mcb 0ne tub light for one switch and socket ground height 28’’
switch and socket machine switch on automatic light on easy oprat operator all table system foldable
Machine butterfly with fan systems (conveyar top 8
fit x 1.5 fit & two side 8’’x 8 fit pre- laminated Particle
board one table ms sqr pipe 30mm x 30 mm up &
down with Powder Coated 25 mm L poll 50 mm x
25 mm ms pipe 2 psc 4 light set & 4 machine set
one table ) one separate wire circuit per table one
mcb 0ne tub light for one switch and socket ground
height 28’’ switch and socket machine switch on
automatic light & fen on easy oprat operator all
table system foldable not required floor wiring save
70% cost
Machine butterfly systems (conveyar top 8 fit x 1.5 fit prelaminated Particle board and 8 fit x 15’’x 7 ‘’x7’’ one ms box
with Powder cotted 25 mm L poll 50 mm x25 mm ms pipe 2
psc 4 light set & 4 machine set one table ) 25 mm x 3 mm
R,Y,B,N, 63 A busbar Systems per table 0ne tub light for one
mcb and socket ground height 28’’ machine mcb on automatic
light on easy oprat operator all table system foldable (safety
purpose par one machine 10A mcb not short circuit chances all
busbar trunking same A IN &OUT point 20% extra energy save
remove your busbar system 0% material vestige)